Actor Update- Brittany Joyner

April showers bring May flowers...everywhere but CA April, 2011
Day late!  Oops!

Things have been humming along quite nicely this Spring, so much so, that I'm late in getting Aprils Actor Update out!  My apologies.  Lots of fun stuff going on lately.  Hope you had an amazing Easter.  This was the best Easter I can remember.  Happy May!


My first improv performance with Monkey Butler Comedy went swimmingly!  I had a wonderful time and the full crowd was nothing but supportive.  I'm continuing my studies there and look forward to the next performance!
improv performance

Guess who finally finished revamping her website??  This gal!!  Check it out and let me know what you think!!


pssst! Actors, listen close!  Another Thrifty Actor Tip!
PhotobucketAs Sandy in Lewisville High Schools production of "Grease" back in the day.

Want to make your salad dressing last a little longer?  I find that adding some water to it and shaking it up can not only get all the extra off the sides, but make it last twice as long.  Same goes for Crystal Light.  One of the packages can be diluted quite a bit more than directed and still taste just as good!

Interesting Facts
It took Leo Tolstoy six years to write "War & Peace".
I've been out twice for Army Wives, once for In Plain Sight, and once for a Bing commercial.  Busy, fun month!

Was privileged to attend another LA Actors Tweetup.  I had a wonderful time and look forward to seeing some new friends at the next one!

 with Kristen Dellapace at LA Actors Tweetup, 4/18/11.

imdb_logo.jpg picture by birdy50

myspace.gif picture by birdy50

youtube.jpg picture by birdy50

                                           Missed past editions?  Check out the archive.