Actor Update

I intend to live forever.  Or die trying. August 2013
Summer Travel

Travel has been the name of the game these last 2 months.  Whew!  It's been fun, but I am glad to be back and into routine again. 
Though there's not really a fall here, I still get that anticipatory feeling of back to school, and crisp weather, and productive days.  I feel quite excited for whatever this Fall may hold, and I look forward to experiencing it all!  I'm headed to a creatives retreat next weekend that I'm very eager to participate in.  What are you looking forward to?

During part of my travels, I got to backpack through Bryce Canyon in Utah.  Astounding. 

There's nothing like the feeling of having everything you need on your back- purify water as you go, set up camp and have dinner when you need.  It's quite freeing (minus the enormous amount of weight on your back, of course). 

I also got to go snorkeling/kayaking/hiking on Anacapa Island, an uninhabited Channel Island.  Pretty cool stuff. 

Anacapa Island
I'd say just the amount of adventure I need in a summer. 

pssst! Actors, listen close! Another thrifty actor tip!
 hollywood sign
Though super tiny, that's the Hollywood Sign

If you are a LADWP or SoCal gas customer, there are rebates you can take advantage of.  Such as- insulation in the walls and attic, free sprinkler heads, $300 off an energy efficient washer, new water heaters, low flow shower heads, the list goes on and on!  Check it out!
Interesting Facts
The Eisenhower interstate system requires that one mile in every five must be straight. These straight sections are usable as airstrips in times of war or other emergencies.  
Here's the finished short for Breakup Ninja that I did a few months ago.  Fun stuff!

breakup ninja

A reminder
As always, if you'd like to know more about little ole me, feel free to swing by my website- the all new

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