Christmas time is here!
Every time
you hear those words do you start singing in your head- really high
pitched- the Charlie Brown melody? You are not alone. This season has
already been a blast for me. We cut down a beautiful Scotch Pine that
is currently scenting our living room and bringing us extra holiday
cheer. This time of the year is so fun and energetic. Whilst the
schedules are crammed fuller and fuller, I encourage you to remember
the reason for the season. While you're at it, help out a local food
pantry. Offer the elderly assistance with stringing lights. We are
all very blessed and shouldn't hesitate to give from our hearts.
The Significant Other
had a screening! This sweet romantic comedy starring yours truly
showed at The Studio Movie Grill in Dallas on 12/16/09. The screening
Volunteers of America and the North Texas Food Bank. I so enjoyed
finally seeing this cute movie! You can check out the trailer on my
imdb page, linked at the right.
Actors, listen close! Another Thrifty Actor tip!

you use the library? Why not? Here's a list of things I've recently
gotten from my library: Bonnie Gillespie's Self Management for Actors,
a 7.5 hour DVD of a Sanford Meisner Acting Class (that was a humbling
and very enlightening watch!), a Doris Day biography, a Tale of Two
Cities audiobook, The Proposal DVD, and It's a Wonderful Life. Why
wouldn't you take advantage of this wonderful FREE resource? Get to
know your library. I am blessed to be able to walk over to mine at
least once a week. Seriously, all the cool people use the library.
You can get interlibrary loans if your local one doesn't have what you
want. Then they deliver it to your library for you! Or you can
request purchases (what I did with Gillespie's book). After you figure
out the richness your library has to offer, give back by volunteering
to be an ESL or literacy tutor.
No piece of paper can be folded
in half more than 7 times.
The amazing Bonnie Gillespie,
a Hollywood casting director whose mission is to help actors learn the
ropes and be the best actors they can be through her writings, has
featured "Extreme Measures" in her Actors Voice column. Check it out! I'm the Self Produced Clip of the Week. Thanks, Bonnie!