Happy 2013!
Something about a new year just smells of
anticipation and excitement for what awaits. I
know I'm ready to take on whatever this year
will bring and I can't wait to see it all
unfold. What are some of your goals for this
I have been in the woodshop, working away since
the New Year. My latest is a beautiful coffee
table I am affectionately calling Elinor. I am
having the best time creating things and being
crafty in a non-actor way and enjoying the
results. What do you think?
pssst! Actors, listen close! Another
Thrifty Actor Tip!
Recording for Best
Friends album, Live and Breathe
Did you know the library offers free music
downloads? Well it does! Look up freegal music
on your libraries webpage, login with your card
and you'll have access to 3 free downloads a
week! Pretty sweet!
Interesting Facts
St. Stephen is the patron saint of bricklayers.
This has been mentioned in previous thrifty
actor tips, but if you're interested in
woodworking, my favorite plans site is
She makes easy to understand, step by step
diagrams for tons of projects- seriously, you
could easily waste an entire day clicking on
plans and dreaming up making your own furniture!
So fun!
A reminder
As always, if you'd like to know more about
little ole me, feel free to swing by my
website- the all new