Actor Update- Brittany Joyner

sometimes on facebook I feel like I'm talking to a wall March 2013
Spring has sprung!

Along with the time change forward, life is moving full speed ahead and clocking off some great experiences along the way.  Lots of performances this month, as well as family visits, auditions and taking advantage of the beautiful weather! Already this month I've gotten to enjoy multiple hikes, surfing, gardening, writing songs and plenty of back porch stillness.  What are you up to?

hiking in Malibu Creek State Park this weekend


mb flyer

My two-man team, Nathan and Brittany will be performing THIS FRIDAY in Hollywood!  8pm, only $5!  If you tweet/fb the show, you get in 2 for 1!  How cool is that?  Come on out and see us and 4 other great teams, as well as an improv jam at the end of the night where you can get up and have some improv fun yourself!  Hope to see you there!

pssst! Actors, listen close!  Another Thrifty Actor Tip!
 veggie garden

Brittany's vegetable garden, 2008- grown entirely from seed

I know some of you plod to the nursery year after year and hand over $4 per tomato plant, so that you don't have the inevitable wait of growing from seed, but I'm here to tell you- you can do it!  It's so easy and so economical.  Take my vegetable garden pictured.  I spent $10 total on seeds for that garden.  $10.  And it produced non-stop through growing season, prompting me to give away paper bags full of produce every week because we couldn't eat it all.  Right now is just the right time of year to plant, so get on it!  Seed packs are only 20 cents at walmart.  20 cents.  Does anything cost 20 cents these days?  I assure you, though the wait is longer, the satisfaction is much higher to see your veggies go from tiny seed to beautiful dinners.  My spinach is already looking great this year and I'm anxiously awaiting zucchini plants.  Have fun!
Interesting Facts
On the new hundred dollar bill the time on the clock tower of Independence Hall is 4:10.
I've finally broken down and begun brainstorming on a sitcom I've longed to write for years.  Any of you have experience writing in this medium?  Care to pass along sage wisdom?  I'd love to hear from you!

A reminder
As always, if you'd like to know more about little ole me, feel free to swing by my website- the all new

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