Actor Update- Brittany Joyner

What's the deal with CornNuts? May, 2010

Summer has begun
It is in full swing!  I have been blessed to be hopping from one audition to another and one gig to the next.  It's been awesome!  Though I don't normally share personal info on here, I am so bursting with pride, I have to mention this.  Last Friday my husband graduated with his PhD in Chemistry and Biochemistry!  We are both thrilled and excited to see where we end up- LA, NY, London?  Who knows! Let the fun begin!
graduation10.jpg picture by birdy50

I've recently broke into Voice Over work and it's been a blast!  
DSCN0178.jpg picture by birdy50 You can hear me on OK Lottery spots and as the "Travel Girl" for Pioneer Cellular.   Way fun!

These past few weeks "The Significant Other" has been at Cannes, advertised all over the place and being pitched.  I'm humbled this film has been getting the recognition that it has and I can't wait to see the theatrical release this Winter.  

pssst! Actors, listen close!  Thrifty Actor Tip!
dangerclose2.png on set of "Danger Close" with Danny Gavigan picture by birdy50(on set of "Danger Close")
Do you ebay?  I do!  I love it!  I have gotten some of the best deals ever there.  Recently I needed a new printer that would be able to print out the occasional specialty headshot.  I did my research to find the best one for me within my price range, tested out some at the store, and then got to work.  By saving a search of the printer on ebay, I was emailed each time there were new listings for it.  I bid on a few and ended up coming away with an amazing printer (used, but extremely well taken care of) that prints AWESOME prints for only $46, with shipping.  I also got a Snowball Blue microphone for VO work at home (incredible mic, I suggest it) this week for only $45, free shipping!  Yes, you have to be patient and be willing to watch and wait for the best deal.  But you can't get that deal anywhere else.  And it pays to be a thrifty actor.  
Interesting Facts
Isaac Asimov is the only author to have a book in every Dewey-decimal category.
If you haven't seen the new Mazzio's commercial, you can check it here!DSCN0086.jpg picture by birdy50

Brand new bio at:

imdb_logo.jpg picture by birdy50

myspace.gif picture by birdy50

youtube.jpg picture by birdy50