So thankful for everything!
holiday was not needed to remind me how thankful I am for all that I
have in this life, but I'm glad for this special time each year to
reflect on it. I have been blessed to spend lots of time with
family and friends as we make our way out to California at the
beginning of December. I am anxiously awaiting getting settled in
there, but very much enjoying the present and all that I have here.
Thank you!
A lot has happened since the last mailer, so hold on tight. Here we go! (click on pics for links) -Got to do a really funny trailer for the Lone Star Film Festival:  -Had a print catalogue published with me throughout the pages:  -A Cox Communications commercial I recently shot is now running on TV. You can view it here: 
-And, last but not least, am making my way towards Malibu, CA at present. Looking forward to arriving early-mid December!
Actors, listen close! Another thrifty actor tip!
(still from "INterCEPTION")Ever
had to get something notarized? I had to recently with selling my
house. Did you know that you can get your papers notarized for
FREE if you go to your bank and ask? Bank of America and Chase
are two in particular that I know do it. If you don't have an
account, it's $6. Infrequently used action, but nice to know you
can do it on the cheap.
are the only mammals that can't jump.
Another update
Here is the trailer for a fabulous movie I was blessed to be a part of- " Between Notes". Currently waiting to hear what film fests pick up this gem. (click on pic)
always, if you'd like to know more about little ole me, feel free to
swing by my website-