For those who know me, this goes without saying- I
LOVE HALLOWEEN! I love it all- the pumpkins,
the costumes, the crisp Fall air, the candy.
Oh boy. I am having the best time.

I will be performing with Monkey Butler Comedy for
their Two Buck Butler Improv night. If you're in
the Sherman Oaks area, come on out Monday, November
7th at 8pm and have a grand ole improv time!

15055 Oxnard. $2. Obviously.
pssst! Actors, listen close! Another thrifty
actor tip!
from "House of Bedlam" commercial
I'm all for saving money. I'm all for shopping
smart. That's why before I make a purchase on
any site online, or even before I go to a physical
store, I take a look in Google to see if there are
any coupons. It only takes a few extra moments
of your time. Chili's has coupons ALL THE
TIME, entitling you to free queso, free dessert,
etc. Many of your favorite sites will have
percentages off from time to time. Before I
bought my mountain bike online, I made sure to have
a coupon code for Target, getting me a sweeter deal
than expected. Happy bargain hunting!
Interesting Facts
The sound of E.T. walking was made by someone
squishing her hands in jelly.
Actor business
I feel so empowered when I send out postcards to
CD's and industry people. I've started to do
drop offs as well, and that resulted in an audition
on the spot, and eventually, booking that job.
I highly recommend it!
A reminder
As always, if you'd like to know more about little
ole me, feel free to swing by my website-