Halloween. Nuff said. Each night when I
plug in my spooky lights around the house a thrill
of joy shoots through me.

As promised, the big reveal!! I've finished a
complete overhaul of my website,
brittanyjoyner.com. Go check it out!
I'm quite pleased with how it turned out!
Roadies has their second performance TOMORROW
night in Hollywood! I will also be performing
right after with my brand new mainstage team.
Come on out! Costume showcase and improv jam
cap off the night!
pssst! Actors, listen close! Another thrifty
actor tip!
tip this month. Just the sharing of something
truly bizarre. At the Texas State Fair, I was
intrigued by the Ostrich Race listing. I
assumed ostriches would be racing each other.
Fair enough. Turns out, they had jockeys on
them! Click the pic to view the video.
It was one of the weirdest things I've seen!
Interesting Facts
The world's largest pumpkin weighed in at 1,872
A reminder
As always, if you'd like to know more about little
ole me, feel free to swing by my website-
