Actor Update- Brittany Joyner

Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.  -M Twain September, 2010
It's FAIR time!!!

The first day of Fall came and with it has come some cooler weather.  Cooler weather makes a more energetic, productive Brittany so I've been working like crazy!  I love it!  I will be going to the Fair in a week and am already starting to prepare my eating plan (very important for those who value their once a year fair-stravaganza).  What's your favorite food at the fair?  I'm having visions of corndogs...


Filmed a Charleston's restaurant commercial, as well as House of Bedlam (Seen at right), Hibdon Tire, Great Plains Museum and a Tru Green print ad.  Should be running now or soon.  Keep an eye out and let me know if you see them!  
Between Notes, a very cool indie film I was blessed to be a part of, had a successful screening at the Magnolia in Dallas.  I can't wait to see what festivals this music-centric movie gets accepted in.  Watch their progress here.
Between Notes Screening
pssst! Actors, listen close!  Another Thrifty Actor Tip!
on set of Extreme Measures (on set of Extreme Measures)
Are you handy?  Over the years I've come to learn that I am pretty good at fixing and repurposing things.  And what a money saver that is!  Here's a few things I do myself to save money on the cost of hiring someone.  

-oil changes
-simple electrical wiring
-occasional haircuts
-manicures and pedicures
-computer repair
-clothing tailoring and mending

Yes, for a lot of things it takes time, and lots of google searches, but with enough gumption (which we actors have loads of), almost anything can be done yourself.  
Interesting Facts
The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had.
Recently filmed a commercial for House of Bedlam- watch here:

As always, if you'd like to know more about little ole me, feel free to swing by my website- the all new

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myspace.gif picture by birdy50

youtube.jpg picture by birdy50