Welcoming Fall
Anyone else already pumped by the pumpkin decor at
the store? Knowing that Halloween is so close
and that the cooler, brisk weather is yet to come
has me on the edge of my seat, excited for the
opportunities to arrive on my doorstep!
My improv team, Walter, will be the opening act for
the Monkey Butler Improv show, this Friday,
September 14th at 8pm. Tickets are cheap- $5-
and you can even get in 2for1 if you tweet/facebook
the show. So come on out for some laughs!
Hope to see you there!
pssst! Actors, listen close! Another thrifty actor

I made this cabinet!! I am crazy about this
and can waste hours browsing through her woodworking
plans. For the ultimate DIY'er, Ana has
blueprints for all kinds of builds to make for your
home. If you have an interest in making things
with your hands, saving money, and and spending a
lot of time marveling at what you made with a tree,
check out her site! Plus, she's a female
builder. How cool is that?
Interesting Facts
Odontophobia is the fear of teeth.
Though the temperature is not, Between Notes on
Amazon Instant Video is pretty cool. If you
have prime, it's free to watch!
A reminder
As always, if you'd like to know more about
little ole me, feel free to swing by my website-