Heading to the Texas state Fair in just
a bit- can't wait for some Fletchers
Corn dogs!-but in the meantime, Roadies,
my musical improv group, had their debut
performance in Hollywood on September

We couldn't have asked for a better
first performance! The audience
was fantastic and the energy was so good
that night. I'm so proud!
Keep up to date with our shows and
musical improv happenings
I also just got the Canon 60d, so I'm
really looking forward to shooting my
own shorts and making
Joyned Productions
chock-full of comedic films.
Over Labor Day weekend, I went to a
creatives spiritual retreat called Terra
Nova. The weekend was inspiring,
encouraging, and just what I needed to
get jump-started in my creativity.
I also took a stunts class and learned
to do this!
(click to watch)
Soooo cool!